New Hope Creator Apps

Temple Adventure Run 1.0.0
Temple Adventure Run is latest runninggamewith lots of fun.A secret agent got the mission to save everyone who areinrisk.In very short of time you need to complete the mission otherwiseyouare in danger.You are in a mystery place and no one can help you otherthanyourself.This is a really challenging and you will find a lot of funwithit.In the journey to temple comes with lots of dinosaur runtowardsyou.It's exciting as you have the chance to show all your skills.Many type of dinosaur in different sizes would come toattackyou.It could be Flying Dragon, Achelousaurus, Tyrannosaurus rexorTorvosaurus.You will find each of them attack you in a different waywthsuprise!That is really excited when you hear all the name ofthesedinosaurs!Temple Adventure Run is a very challenging running game.It's really simple but always need you to be high focus forlongsurvival.Move to the right or left as fast as you can and shootyourenemy.Make a quite decision to save your own life and it is themostimportant thing.A simple mistake might eliminate your game play and that isreallysad.You will see in the temple full with dangerous runineverywhere.The more you play the better result will be generated and youhappywith that.You need to be very concentrate in the temple and run if youcannotbeat them.We hope you could find very much excitements in this game.How to play Temple Adventure RunMove fast to avoid enemiesShoot at enemies to save your lifeCollect as much as point you canTips to play Temple Adventure RunMove before the dinosaur comes to youOne shoot kill the dinosaur to deathAvoid dinosaur if you cannot shoot themYes, we know you cannot wait to play the game after readingthedescription.That is what we want you to feel before you start playingthegame.Let's enjoy Temple Adventure Run now!
Tank Battle On 1.0.0
Tank Battle On is the hottest battleshootinggame in the market now!This is a very popular shooting game play and every playerlikeit!The game play is fantastic and easy to play and get addictedwithit!Tank is on at every 2 seconds and jeep come togetherlikehunter!All weapon is fully loaded and just wait your finger to pressonit.The world now all of count on you to destroy all tanks intheblitz.Aim high and down on all incoming enemies and just shootonthem.You will find the extreme hero feel to destroy enemies inTankBattle On!This will be very excited and we hope you could calm down toactbetter.You have the chance to save the whole world and stop the wargettingworst.All tank is fully on weapon 2 destroy you in jeep and youbecomehunter.Everyone will thanks you for doing the good thing and givethempeace!Now is the time to make changes on the earth and make them tobebetter!Focus on those enemies coming closer to you and shoot thembeforethey do.The tank always keep on coming 2 you and beware of jeepandhunter.Those enemies from far you can ignore them but keep eye closeonthem.Tank Battle On give you training on priority andmonitoringskill!This helps to train you growth in experience and be agoodleader.There are many tanks and jets coming toward you and pleasebecareful!The world now and all of us believe you can destroy all tanksinblitz!How to play Tank Battle OnShoot down all the incoming enemies before they destroy youTime to save the world and show your leadership now!Enjoy the game now with Tank Battle On!
Survival Island Super Savage 1.0.0
Survival Island Super Savage is the latestandhottest survival game!This is a game which you never experience before with itgameplay.How to survival in the wild island with a lot of mystery andunknownfree!You will never able to predict what will happen next and howcrazyit is!Some people says there is paradise in the island if you enjoythejourney.There are too many unforeseen and dangerous thingssurroundingyou!This is the extreme part of this game Survival IslandSuperSavage!The environment sound like peaceful and you know somethinggonnahappen!And if you are not aware of these then you may not abletosurvive!To be a survival in the island you need to set yourself free!We know this sound crazy and you are exciting with thisgameright?Once you try on this game you will simply get addictedwithit!The game play is really easy in Survival Island Super Savage!You will find so much fun and surprise from the experienceinit!The wild forest full with dinosaurs in different sizes!There are some from the ground and some flying in the air!As a survival you need to run for life in the island infreemode!There are different challenger in the game play and thatisexciting!How to play Survival Island Super SavageKill all the dinosaursAvoid attack from dinosaursLet's create your very own paradise in the island andcontrolyour own destiny!Explore the new world now with Survival Island Super Savage!
Dinosaur Hunter WAR 1.0.0
Dinosaur Hunter WAR bring you all backtothousand years ago.The story of the world before human raise and take controlonit.The world is under the lead of the mystery animalcalledDinosaurs!None of us have seen dinosaurs alive other than thestonerock.That is something that we do not really wish to missed inmankind.Most of the dinosaur and hunter play survival like game inoldtime.We can only see them in movie and we always wish to know morethanthat.We are glad that technology helps to bring back some of themtous.This is something very important to man kind and tounderstandearth.We hope Dinosaur Hunter WAR would help you to find out moreonthis.Dinosaurs are animal without human being and they only huntforfood.The main goal in life if to stay alive and to producenextgeneration.Some of them living on land and some underwater and little atbothplace.We assume dino is a hunter that could bring deadly harm to alltheshores.We afraid of those who flying on the sky because hard topredictthem.In just a second they might appear from somewhere anddisappearagain.We will never have the chance to chase them because oftheirspeed.Those hide in water is also very dangerous because theyswimwell.Some aggressive dinosaurs would look for territory and want tobeking.We do not know what happen during their life time thousandyearsago.Dinosaur are hunter and other run for survival like a lifetimegame.What they left on earth is the only precious evidence toknowthem.We are glad that they have extinction and also sad that welostthem.In Dinosaur Hunter WAR we helps you to know how fierce theycanbe.There are many types of them and some are fierce and somearesoft.Those dino which is hunter type bring us deadly attack inanyshores.We are lucky if we meet those soft type and there is nothingtoworry.We do not know what is the best way to deal with thosefiercetype.Dinosaur act as hunter is dangerous and keep survival is likegameplay.That is why we deeply wish to know more about their behaviorsandstory.A simple action could easily cost your life as price dealingwiththem.Man kind is different from them because we have brain to thinkandact.We hope you find the excitement during the game play and enjoymuch!How to play Dinosaur Hunter WAR- Avoid attack from all dinosaurs- Destroy all the challengersTime to see the new era of human life in ancient years.Explore the challenge with Dinosaur Hunter WAR now!
Ghost Eastern Vampire 1.0.0
Ghost Eastern Vampire bring you to anothernewworld of vampire in the world.You never see them does not means they are not existing orneverexist before.So many people wish to see ghost and they try to use detectortolocate them.If there is only vampire you and me in a room we need to runaskfast as we can.There are too many mystery things in the world that mankindwouldnever know.Until the day any of the mankind saw them and the rumorsstartedleaking out.Believe or not you can never deny it because there are not proveonit so far.Ghost Eastern Vampire is horror object since old dynastythousandcentury ago.They can only jump and arm is straight to front or facing downallthe time.Ghost are different because it is not easy to use detector tofindout them.Chinese people has their own method to stop them and makethemlisten to them.It is just that once without the weapon those vampires willnotlisten to human.Vampire will start attacking any life and that is dangerous tomeand you all.That is scary and it is not easy to run away from them becausetheyjump fast.Their outlook is full of horror feel and you would feelscarelooking at them.You will able to see all these when you are playing GhostEasternVampire game.We hope you would know more about them after this and beware ofthemafter this.After this you can compare between ghost and vampire withoutusingany detector.The game play is so simple easy control and user friendly for youtoenjoy more.How to play Ghost Eastern Vampire- Kill all the vampires and bats- Avoid Attack from vampires and batsThis is a very special journey for you to know more abouteasternthing.Let's try the different horror experience with Ghost EasternVampirenow!
Koi Fishing Finger Game 2.0.0
Koi Fishing Finger Game is a gamespeciallydesign for Koi fans!We know this animal has thousand of millions fan inwholeworld!We make something special for you guys and hope you alllikeit.The feel of zen is very strong from all the koi fishinmarket.They are just too beautiful and lovely all the time nomatterwhen.So relaxing seeing them swimming in the water withnopressure.Their body and colour are just too beautiful and lovelytosee.Koi Fishing Finger Game offer all fans chances to know moreaboutthem.We all know it is not easy to maintain the life for koi fish!They always provide us the zen energy form koi body allthetime.Koi can free us from tension in live and feel goodlikewallpaper.Taking good care of them is the most important thing forthis.They are just so luxury and high class compare withotherfish.This is why so many people crazy about them in thewholeworld.if there is chance we must go Japan and see more ofthemthere.Before that you could enjoy playing this Koi Fishing FingerGamefirst.This is a game which could make you crazy and addictedforhours!With the strong zen feel from koi fish you will enter tonewworld.Most of the koi are just beautiful and free like a liveinwallpaper.How to play Koi Fishing Finger Game- Cut all the Koi Fish- Do not Cut the Fishnet- Score high point to enter to next levelThis is a very special chance to do something different.Taste the real feel with Koi Fishing Finger Game now!